Matrix Metod
Matriks metoda nam pomaže da rešimo stanja u kojima smo zaglavljeni pronalaženjem pravog leka Duše - Similimuma, kao i podizanjem svesti o najdubljem paru suprotnosti koji utiču na svaku odluku i misao pojedinca tokom celog života. Nakon suočavanja s najdubljim parom suprotnosti i otvaranja ka potpuno novom razumevanju sopstvenog života i sebe, ova metoda postaje nezamenjiva pomoć na našem putovanju kroz Karmički lavirint.
Soul Code
All the people who share the same Soul Remedy, Simillimum, also share the same Code - the Code of the Remedy.
But, how do we get to the Code?
We homeopaths talk to a patient in the state of a remedy and observe.
There are many layers in every person, and a remedy can't dominate all of them. Most parts of the image of a patient will match the true image of the remedy, while other parts may come from karmic or situational remedies. We can't say for sure which is which.
So, here the Matrix comes to the rescue—the word or expression spoken at the moment of the highest emotional charge always and unmistakably comes from the remedy whose state the patient is in. This word or expression, together with its opposite, forms the Code of the Remedy, its deepest essence that shines through all the thoughts, emotions, and behaviors characteristic of this remedy.
All the people who share the same Soul Remedy—Simillimum—also share the same Code. It is as if all the people who share the same Soul Code and Simillimum have entered this Universe through the same Star Gate, carrying it throughout life and beyond, across all past and future incarnations.
Kod leka
Mirjanina lista kodova za lekove... Prvo na osnovu sposobnosti videla lek, i određivali su se kodovi kroz procese kod pacijenata za koje smo znali da je isti similimum. Predkod. Arhetpske slike. DuhKva-spoznaja duhkv. Matrix je za sve
Način kako se uzima slučaj da bi se prepoznao kod -
U toku vođenja slucaj ili ponavlja ili se oseti - kod similimuma cak zna triho da izgovori, dok je kod karmičkih uvek rec na kojoj je najaci naboj. Kada govore o svom najvećem problemu reci ce kod
Pečat je udaren i to je od tog momenta aksiom - npr. lyc ponos sramota.
We homeopaths would love to talk directly to the remedy, to truly and unmistakably understand it, but we must settle for talking to a patient in the state of that remedy and observing.